I use a react jss example for testing jss. In this example multi language feature already implemented. I think, it is implemented for other js frameworks too. So if you build your solution not on a jss example you can look how it was implemented there. If you use a jss example as base of you solution then for set the sc_lang in jss api call you need just set correct url with language(it is mean that your component, probably, will contain links with different languages for current page).
is there a way to set the language other than passing the code in URL?
You can change language using SitecoreContextFactory, in your component set new language
import React from 'react';
import SitecoreContextFactory from '../../lib/SitecoreContextFactory';
class LngPicker extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.changeLng = this.changeLng.bind(this);
var context = SitecoreContextFactory.getSitecoreContext();
language: key ,
render() {
return (
<button onClick={()=> this.changeLng('da-Dk')} >da-DK</button>
export default LngPicker;
then update RouteHandler, add to constructor
let sitecoreRoutePath = this.props.route.match.params.sitecoreRoute || '/';
if (!sitecoreRoutePath.startsWith('/')) {
sitecoreRoutePath = `/${sitecoreRoutePath}`;
getRouteData(sitecoreRoutePath, context.language).then((routeData) => {
if (routeData !== null && routeData.sitecore && routeData.sitecore.route) {
route: routeData.sitecore.route,
itemId: routeData.sitecore.route.itemId,
refresh: false
this.setState({ routeData, notFound: false });
} else {
this.setState({ routeData, notFound: true });