How to get rendering data source location either any one of below,
- Get items final layout renderings with their data source location
- Get rendering data source location by specific Rendering folder path. Ex: /sitecore/layout/Renderings/Rendering-folder-path
Expected result:
Rendering | DatasourceLocation
------------ ----------------------
{289347-238740-230489} | sitecore/content/datasource-location
I tried with ">Get-Rendering" this doesn't have datasource location property.Below list of properties available
PS master:\>Get-Item /sitecore/content/itempath | Get-Rendering -Datasource "*"
OwnerItemId :
OwnerItemPath :
Cachable :
Conditions :
Datasource :
ItemID :
MultiVariateTest :
PersonalizationTest :
Parameters :
Placeholder :
Rules :
UniqueId :
VaryByData :
VaryByDevice :
VaryByLogin :
VaryByParameters :
VaryByQueryString :
VaryByUser :
ClearOnIndexUpdate :
Even i tried below directly try to get rendering properties,
PS master:\>Get-Item /sitecore/layout/Renderings/Group/Navigation/Header
Name Children Language Version Id TemplateName
---- -------- -------- ------- -- ------------
RenderingName False en 1 {} Controller rendering