I am trying to have setup 500 error page in XM Cloud Sitecore instance.

I have configured "Server error page link" in setting item but do not see "Error Handling" tab to generate static error pages. Even if I have static html page I am not able to hit static error page, instead it hit _error.tsx page from next.js app.
Please let me know how to use static html page instead of resolving 500 error with _error.tsx.

1 Answer 1


According to the Sitecore document, If you cannot find the Error Handling section, you might have forgotten to select the Error Handling option when creating your site collection.

So you need to check that.

Refer to this document for more details.


Hope this helps.

  • I am able to see the section in item but "Server error page link" is inactive as per document. So i was looking if there is any way, we can handle error pages from static html instead of rendering host. Thanks. Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 14:42

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