How can I fetch the item by display name?

The below code is not working:

string url = string.Concat("fast:/sitecore/content/KeenanDirect/#" + string.Format(blogtype) + "#//*[@@Display name='",  displayname + "']");
sitecoreItem = database.Items.GetItem(url);
  • Can you try in this way: string url = string.Concat("fast:/sitecore/content/KeenanDirect/#" + string.Format(blogtype) + "#//*[@__Display name='", displayname + "']"); sitecoreItem = database.Items.GetItem(url); . Display name is a standafield and field is "__DisplayName" Nov 3, 2017 at 8:35
  • Can you give describe more. I didn't understood
    – Ravindran
    Nov 3, 2017 at 8:43
  • I don't think it is a good idea to get the item by its display name and i would not recommend it Nov 6, 2017 at 18:01

1 Answer 1


First of all I do not recommend using FastQuery, because it can be really slow and many people have had problems with it: https://blog.coates.dk/2014/11/19/sitecore-fast-query-syntax-can-kill-your-sql-server-or-website/

But if you still want to use here is the trick:

The field in Sitecore is not Display Name, it is "Display Name". All the standard fields are prefixed by "" 2 underlines char.

Image of Standard Field Definitions

Your fast query should look like this:

fast:/sitecore/content//*[@#__Display Name#='homedisplayname']

The Display Name for my home item is: homedisplayname

I added #field name# because multi word names should be encoded with "#"

I tried fast query in Developer Center and here are the results.

You need to change a bit of your code to have same pattern like my query from Developer Center.

Results of Fast Query in Developer Center

  • What you can suggest to use instead of FastQuery? What is the best practice for it? Nov 4, 2017 at 15:04
  • Content search using solr search provider Nov 4, 2017 at 20:37

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