I tried to create a connection for Sitecore 9 instance in Sitecore Explorer.

My steps:

  • Right click on "Connections" in Sitecore Explorer and press "New Connection"
  • Fill necessary fields and press Test button

enter image description here

  • I've got a window with below message. Press "Yes".

enter image description here

  • I've chosen "Update All" and then press "Ok". enter image description here

  • In browse window I've chosen folder with Sitecore 9 instance and press "Ok". In previous version of Sitecore there was folder Website for it, but in Sitecore 9 there is not anymore that folder. enter image description here

  • Result - I've got a message - "Got a No Service error". enter image description here

Can everyone explain how I can create connection? Thanks!

  • I have same problem. Did you have any solution? Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 21:46
  • <location path="sitecore/shell"> <system.web> <authorization> <deny users="?"/> <allow users="*"/> </authorization> </system.web> </location> Just remove deny users line <system.web>, this will remove the permission issue to your local.
    – Ksigdel
    Commented Jun 11, 2018 at 19:23

8 Answers 8


It's a permission issue that started on Sitecore 9. You have to add this section to your Web.config.

<location path="sitecore/shell/WebService">
            <allow users="?,*" />

Please, read this blog post from Rob Ahnemann to learn more.

  • Thanks for answer! I added this section to web.config, but got the same result Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 9:03
  • I would suggest you checking small things such as 1. Are you running Visual Studio as Administrator? 2. You're trying to connect to the hostname "events.tac.local" in the directory "tac.corporate.local". Does your IIS Site point to the same directory and hostname? 3. Is your Sitecore Rocks up to date? 4. Is your Sitecore 9 instance at least working? 5. Does the APP Pool Identity have permission to your Sitecore 9 webfolder?
    – João Neto
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 9:40
  • 1
    You're trying to connect to the hostname "events.tac.local" in the directory "tac.corporate.local". - yep, I fix hostname to "tac.corporate.local". Sitecore 9 instance is working. But connection is still not working( Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 14:04

Faced the same issue in Sitecore 9.3, permissions changing did not help.

Resolved it by adding "https://" before my host name.

enter image description here


My sitecore instance had redirects to https and allowed https only. Change your Host Name to https://events.tac.local:433

  • Yes worked for me but now I am getting username and password is invalid Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 16:20
  • Thank you! This was the issue in my case. Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 18:59

For me, it worked after following below steps:

  1. http://rockpapersitecore.com/2017/10/sitecore-rocks-with-sitecore-9/
  2. used https://hostname
  3. Created new user with Admin or any content author role. (admin/b did not work for me. Got message invalid username and password...not sure why.)
  • Yes, I checked and I found admin account was lockedout in sitcore.
    – Sunil Aher
    Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 20:56

One of my colleagues helped to find a solution! Press right button of the mouse on connection -> Connections -> Edit connection properties and then uncheck "UseDefaultWebProxy". In some reason it was set by default.

UPD When you uncheck "UseDefaultWebProxy" you can have another bug - exception when you try to delete some item (template). To fix this use this artifact - https://ci.appveyor.com/project/JakobChristensen/sitecore-rocks/build/artifacts and then set "UseDefaultWebProxy" to check position.


This should no longer be an issue as of Sitecore Rocks 2.1.126, which is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace, if you install the latest Hard Rocks service. It now includes a local Web.config which will do the necessary security configuration for both the Hard Rocks and Good Old web services.

If you need to use the Good Old service for some reason, you do still need to provide your own authorization override, as described in other answers and this Sitecore KB article.

If you wish to use Rocks with a remote system, the Rocks GitHub releases now include an Update Package as well with the latest Hard Rocks service, including the authorization override. Note that this is not recommended for production use.

<location path="sitecore/shell/WebService">
            <allow users="?,*" />

this should be added to


Not on the Visual Studio editor after doing

Add > Existing item... > Add C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tac.corporate\Web.config

I added it after


Also, make sure that you are on Visual Studio on Administrator.

Now, you can do Add > Existing item... > Add C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tac.corporate\Web.config. (as per the Sitecore Platform Essentials for Developer eLearning Student Lab Guide)


The site needs to be active on port 80. Default Sitecore installation, installs on port 443 with SSL. Hard Rock Web service looks for site on port 80. You can do this in IIS -> Website Bindings -> Add

This one resolved the issue, after implementing all the above settings.

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