I installed Sitecore 9 on my local machine having CM and CD together and Solr and xConnect are working fine. However, there is no data in all xMarketing features (such as Experience Analytics, profile, forms, device detection so on).
I enabled DEBUG mode for Analytics and created simple Form page. Here is the log file:
18052 16:28:26 INFO xDB is enabled.
18052 16:28:26 INFO Tracking is enabled.
18052 16:28:26 INFO Valid xDB license is present.
DEBUG ContactManager.LoadContact(75cf53ec-80d5-406d-a605-1e9e5a49c7ce) - contact is loaded, storing it in shared session
DEBUG Min threads: 4, Active threads: 1.
INFO Cache created: 'referenceDataDefinitionTypeCache' (max size: 1MB, running total: 2756MB)
DEBUG [Analytics]: Start tracking: http://xp0.sc/form test
DEBUG [Analytics]: Tracker.IsActive == false. EndAnalytics pipeline is terminated
DEBUG Tracker is not initialized. ReleaseContact processor is skipped
I added @Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification()
and Active server roles set standalone
. Also, rebuilt Reporting database.
Do you have any idea where I need to check?
============ Update 1 ============
I can see new contact information in MyLocal_Xdb.Collection.Shard0
database, but nothing in Report DB.
Is there problem between?
============ Update 2 ============
In the log file, I can see.
DEBUG RebuildAgent: Execution started.
DEBUG ReportingStorageManager: Processing rebuild.
DEBUG ReportingStorageManager: RebuildStatus does not exist or not active yet.
DEBUG RebuildAgent: Execution finished.