I have the following setup
- 1 CM server
- 1 CD server
- Sitecore 8.1
We have a custom Lucene index that is updating with no problem on our CM server but not on our CD server. I checked the logs and it doesn't seem to show anything that would be related to this issue. I also checked that the index was added to the EventQueue table and it is added to this table to run. The instance names for the StabilitySettings.config are the same. This was working fine yesterday and suddenly stopped working today and no new code changes were added. When I check the Crawling log on the CD server I only see the following text
IndexCustodian. FullRebuild triggered on index {MyIndexName}
I don't see where it is adding the items or starting and stopping the crawl.
Any one have any ideas where I can look at to see what might be happening?
I am thinking about copying the index from CM to CD as a temp solution for now.
Update: We applied SwitchMasterToWeb
script and cannot login into CD now.