I am trying to send some anonymous data into analytics and browse it in experience profile.

I set @Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification() into layout and added reference to mvc.extensions.

Set the timeout for the session to 1 and browsed page. After 1 minute I can see in logs following error:

ERROR PostSessionEndPipeline failed.
Exception: Sitecore.XConnect.Operations.EntityOperationException
Message: Operation #0, Conflict, DeviceProfile {0396d6cd-af6c-44d5-9844-496b528677bf}
Source: Sitecore.Xdb.Common.Web

Firstly I fixed device detection using the SC patch and thought that's gonna solve the issue but not. I've checked everything that I could but still can't find the issue. Does anyone have an idea?


1 Answer 1


Please refer the patch suggested by Sitecore. I was facing the same issue and I am able to resolve it by deploying patch, from below link, to all the sitecore instance (CM, Reporing, Processing and CD). Please refer below link to download the patch.


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