How to add DisplayName in another language version from code?

createCategoryCommand.Process(context, category.ParentCatalogId, category.Name, category.DisplayName, category.Description);

commands don't accept language parameter and I cannot find any other method for that.

2 Answers 2


You will need to save category first and then provide localizations for it. Let's say you already have Category categoryEntity. You then need to do the following steps:

// getting localization entity for your category. it will automatically create new if there is no existing one
LocalizationEntity localizationEntity = await this.localizeEntityPropertyCommand.GetLocalizationEntity(context.CommerceContext, categoryEntity);

// preparing translations
List<Parameter> localizations = new List<Parameter>
                                        new Parameter
                                                Key = "en", Value = "Default Display Name"
                                        new Parameter
                                                Key = "fr-FR", Value = "French Display Name"

// adding localizations for DisplayName property
localizationEntity.AddOrUpdatePropertyValue("DisplayName", localizations);

// saving localization entity to database
await this.persistEntityPipeline.Run(new PersistEntityArgument(localizationEntity), context);

// this is needed if initial category didn't have LocalizedEntityComponent to link category with localization entity
if (!categoryEntity.HasComponent<LocalizedEntityComponent>())
    categoryEntity.SetComponent(new LocalizedEntityComponent(localizationEntity.Id, localizationEntity.Name));

    // saving category entity to database
    await this.persistEntityPipeline.Run(new PersistEntityArgument(categoryEntity), context);
  • This answer is no longer valid as of XC 9.2, Please see @Hao Liu's answer below for the correct approach moving forwards
    – Rob Earlam
    Commented Sep 17, 2019 at 4:43

There are some changes in Experience Commerce 9.2, copied below from one of the related support ticket:

In previous versions of Sitecore Commerce, the LocalizedEntityComponent was used to know which localization entity was related to an entity. In 9.2 the localization entity ID was changed to a composition of the commerce entity ID for a localization entity and the entity ID, e.g. The localization entity ID for an entity with ID 'Entity-SellableItem-12345' would then be 'Entity-LocalizationEntity-12345'. This then makes the LocalizationEntityComponent obsolete, as the localization entity can be inferred from the entity ID.

To explain with the above linked stackexchange post, the following:

LocalizationEntity localizationEntity = await this.localizeEntityPropertyCommand.GetLocalizationEntity(context.CommerceContext, categoryEntity);

now generates the localizationEntity with an ID following the above mentioned new format. This then renders the following code not necessary:

// this is needed if initial category didn't have LocalizedEntityComponent to link category with localization entity

if (!categoryEntity.HasComponent()) { categoryEntity.SetComponent(new LocalizedEntityComponent(localizationEntity.Id, localizationEntity.Name)); // saving category entity to database await this.persistEntityPipeline.Run(new PersistEntityArgument(categoryEntity), context); }

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