There are some changes in Experience Commerce 9.2, copied below from one of the related support ticket:
In previous versions of Sitecore Commerce, the LocalizedEntityComponent was used to know which localization entity was related to an entity. In 9.2 the localization entity ID was changed to a composition of the commerce entity ID for a localization entity and the entity ID, e.g. The localization entity ID for an entity with ID 'Entity-SellableItem-12345' would then be 'Entity-LocalizationEntity-12345'. This then makes the LocalizationEntityComponent obsolete, as the localization entity can be inferred from the entity ID.
To explain with the above linked stackexchange post, the following:
LocalizationEntity localizationEntity = await
now generates the localizationEntity with an ID following the above mentioned new format.
This then renders the following code not necessary:
// this is needed if initial category didn't have
LocalizedEntityComponent to link category with localization entity
(!categoryEntity.HasComponent()) {
localizationEntity.Name)); // saving category entity to database await
PersistEntityArgument(categoryEntity), context); }