We're on Sitecore 9.1.1.
I'm in the process of integrating Sitecore IdentityServer to our Azure AD, and have login working. I am now wanting to map AAD attributes to the user Sitecore generates for me. I've been following Derek Correria's guide and mapped out the first properties like this:
<ClaimsTransformation1 type="Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders.DefaultClaimsTransformation, Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders">
<Claim1 type="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn" />
<Claim1 type="email" />
</ClaimsTransformation1 >
<ClaimsTransformation2 type="Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders.DefaultClaimsTransformation, Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders">
<Claim1 type="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress" />
<Claim1 type="comment" />
<ClaimsTransformation3 type="Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders.DefaultClaimsTransformation, Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders">
<Claim1 type="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name" />
<Claim1 type="name" />
And mapped like this
<map name="set Email" type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Services.DefaultClaimToPropertyMapper, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication">
<data hint="raw:AddData">
<source name="email" />
<target name="Email" />
<map name="set Comment" type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Services.DefaultClaimToPropertyMapper, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication">
<data hint="raw:AddData">
<source name="comment" />
<target name="Comment" />
<map name="set FullName" type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Services.DefaultClaimToPropertyMapper, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication">
<data hint="raw:AddData">
<source name="name" />
<target name="FullName" />
Which works fine. But there are additional attributes on the AAD users which I want to carry across. There are no more default properties on a User that I can use, so I'm thinking to map the remaining attributes to CustomProperties. How do I do that though? Neither documentation nor Derek's guide seems to touch on this.
TL;DR; how can I map an IdentityServer
Claim to User.CustomProperty["key"]