I'm upgrading from 9.0.2 (XM) to 9.2 (XP), so I got a fresh install of the XDB enviroments (Azure WebApps), but my xcollect, ma-ops, xc-search (Solr), and maybe other webapps give me the You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
Upon checking the application logs, it returns a single line:
[Error] Service can not be found: Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Data.SqlServer.Configuration.ColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders.KeyStoreProviders, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Data.SqlServer
I've checked the certificates if they were correct as described in the following post: http://codeconcerns.com/sitecore-9-2-installation-errors-out-while-runnings-marketing-automation-service/
I've checked the connection strings and added the 'invalid client certificate allowed' as well (xConnect WebApps on Azure PaaS not working).