Has anyone seen this one before? It's complaining about no matching constructor, but the implementation class has no other constructor other than the default.
This is Sitecore 9.1.1 btw.
2456 03:00:22 WARN Could not find constructor in ReflectionUtil.CreateObject: Availity9.ScheduledTasks.CacheWarmer. The constructor parameters may not match or it may be an abstract class. Parameter info: Count: 2. Parameter types: System.String, System.String 2456 03:00:22 ERROR Error while instantiating agent. Definition: web/sitecore/system/tasks/schedulestrue Exception: Sitecore.Exceptions.ConfigurationException Message: Could not create instance of type: Availity9.ScheduledTasks.CacheWarmer. No matching constructor was found. Source: Sitecore.Kernel at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateFromTypeName(XmlNode configNode, String[] parameters, Boolean assert) at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateObject(XmlNode configNode, String[] parameters, Boolean assert, IFactoryHelper helper) at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateObject(XmlNode configNode, Boolean assert) at Sitecore.Tasks.Scheduler.ReadAgents()
Thanks, Bill
. Check the code of that class and maybe add it to your question (with the task definition). Otherwise no one will be able to help you.