I want to customize an SXA link component with a rendering variant that appends query string parameters to the link based on fields on the page item. I'm using a Scriban template something like this:
text = i_item.Name
baseLink = i_item.Link
hasQsParam = (baseLink | string.contains '?')
href = null
href = baseLink + '&pid=' + i_page.ReferenceNumber
href = baseLink + '?pid=' + i_page.ReferenceNumber
<a href="{{href}}" alt="{{text}}">{{text}}</a>
When I select my custom variant, both the regular link renders, as well as the Scriban generated HTML for some reason; I was expecting just the Scriban gen'd HTML to render.
I'm thinking about just writing a custom component for this instead; but am what I'm trying to do now feasible? Spent enough time on this that I'm starting to think this is the wrong approach.