What I am trying to achieve here is to fetch the HTML within a rich text editor and I need to uncomment all the img tags which are commented within that HTML. I don't want any other HTML code to get uncomment. For example

Input - HTML of rich text having commented tags

Output - Only img tag should get uncomment

I am having the regex for two conditions :- 1.) To uncomment all the HTML <!--(.*?)--> 2.) To get IMG tag alone from the HTML - <img([\w\W]+?)/>

Its not working when I am combining both the REGEX to get my required result. Please suggest.

1 Answer 1


I think the regex you're looking for is <!--\s*(<img[\w\W]+?>)\s*-->.

I run the following script:

$html = '<!-- <img src="-/media/67a6sahgshghs6as76.ashx" alt=""  width="100%" height="auto" class="figure"> -->';
$regex = '<!--\s*(<img[\w\W]+?>)\s*-->';
$matches = ([regex]$regex).Matches($html)

And the output is

<img src="-/media/67a6sahgshghs6as76.ashx" alt=""  width="100%" height="auto" class="figure">

Remember that parsing html with regex is not recommended. You can try to use a library like HtmlAgilityPack. And that the script above only works when <img tag is the only content in the html comment.

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