Using Coveo cloud (Coveo for Sitecore 4.0.450.0), the rebuilding of just coveo_web and coveo_master indexes takes too long. Once all items are added, the Indexing Manager dialog is stuck for over an hour spinning.
This is the status I see on the index in coveo cloud:
Performing rebuild
Started an hour ago - No items processed
This is what is see in Indexing manager:
Job running: Index_Update_IndexName=Coveo_master_index
[Items Added to Index: 6278]
Job running: Index_Update_IndexName=Coveo_web_index
[Items Added to Index: 6277]
I've already opened up ports as described here:
[Rebuilding source "YOUR COVEO SOURCE"]
, could you check at which step the indexing takes a long time? (more information can be found here:…)