I have added a custom field in Solr beds and created a new Bedrooms facet. I am using the facets in a Range Slider Filter


I have defined the minimum and maximum values. Is there a way we should not define the minimum and maximum values and uses the original minimun/maximum bedrooms values in the index? I don't want to hard-code the minimum/maximum values because I don't know the minimum/maximum bedroom values in the indexes.

Is this possible to do?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


Based on the definition of Range Slider SXA component this is not possible:

enter image description here

Because these values need to be numeric. Picture taken from official SXA documentation -> https://doc.sitecore.com/users/sxa/93/sitecore-experience-accelerator/en/use-the-sxa-search-filter-components.html.

However, you could clone the component and try to change "backend" implementation of Controller to your needs to calculate it from SOLR values coming as output.

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