Is there any direction sitecore going to support documentdb as analytics database platform and go away from mongodb?

  • I am closing this as opinion-based. There is no way of knowing which direction Sitecore will go. There can be no definitive answers to this question, only speculation. As such, the question is not a good fit for the format of the site. Nov 25, 2016 at 6:27

1 Answer 1


As the relationship between Microsoft and Sitecore gets closer and closer, I think its definitely in the road map. The first person I heard about doing it was Sitecore George. https://twitter.com/sitecoregeorge/status/784151818385457152


I think its definitely in the future.

Some bits for you to try https://github.com/mathieu-benoit/azure-documentdb-for-sitecore


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