I am trying to access the multilist field from datasource in scriban template and getting the following error. The code snippet is given below,

enter image description here

<div class="row-section">
    for contentItem in (sc_follow i_item "Item List")
{{ contentType=(sc_follow  contentItem 'Content Section') }}
<div class="slider ">
<div class="content bar">
    <div class="image-wrapper">
<div class="card-types">
       <p class="card-type" card-type="{{contentType.Name}}">{{contentType.Name}}</p>





2 Answers 2


Use the following code to access the multilist field from datasource...

{{ for contentItem in (sc_followmany i_item "Item List") }}
  • Thanks for the quick help....it helped me to resolve the issue
    – manisha289
    Commented May 31, 2022 at 6:49

Please use below scriban code to get data from multilist field

{{ for i_product in (sc_followmany i_page "Related Products") }}
  <h2>{{ sc_field i_product "Title" }}</h2>
  <b>Content</b>:{{ sc_field i_product "Content" }}
{{ end }

For more information ,please use below link and to avoid such errors try add if else conditions and add null check.


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