Go to sitecore market place site. And try downloading any module.

User is redirected to new market place link mentioned below.



And the sitecore modules not found on new site when you search on new platform.

Anyone has face this problem. Below are couple of example





2 Answers 2


Here is something that can help you.

If you know the URL of the Module then try removing .aspx from the URL for example if the module URL is


then remove the .aspx from the last and try


Here is the accepted solution link for this.


  • Now this hack stopped working so if you know the contributor then take the GitHub repo (if any) details for any upgrade or dotpeek the assembly
    – Amit Kumar
    Commented Jul 2 at 17:33

The Sitecore Marketplace is going to or retired already for technical reasons. Sitecore has now the new Developer Portal (https://developers.sitecore.com) and marketplace for pre-built connectors and apps from Sitecore and its partners that extend Sitecore, and make weaving it into client's business easy, fast, and flexible.

Sitecore recommends GitHub as a great place to host your modules, and many other community members are already doing this. A lot of community members will have an associated blog article posted somewhere to explain/advertise the module. Make sure your README in your GitHub repo has the information needed for search engines to surface your module to people looking for it!

I think Sitecore added redirects for these marketplace modules and that's why it is redirecting to the product marketplace - https://www.sitecore.com/products/marketplace

It's a Hack but for now, you can run the URL by removing the .aspx and can download the module or can navigate to the GitHub repo from the page.

I hope Sitecore will create some kind of page with links to these modules and GitHub path before completely retiring The Sitecore Marketplace.

Ref - How to contribute on Sitecore Marketplace now?

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