We're upgrading to Sitecore 10.2, and have previously used Sitecore Package Deployer in a previous version of Sitecore in our CI/CD process. I noticed this package has not been updated since 2019, and the docs say it's only been tested up to v9.0. Is there a different or better process to handle this in 10.x? Thanks!
1 Answer
When moving to Sitecore XM/XP 10.1+ you'll want to consider newer options available. In your case, you may find that ItemsAsResources (IAR) is an ideal approach to solving the issue of moving developer-owned items through environments.
The Sitecore CLI includes a plugin for generating the IAR files.
I blogged about some of my experience transitioning from a deployment that synced YAML items to using the IAR files. It has its quirks but is a good alternative.