Sitecore NextJS, XM Cloud
I need to query an API and get a list of Authors. Let's assume there are 1000 authors.
In Sitecore, I created a folder called Authors and an item of template AuthorDetails called *
In my NextJS code, I created the following:
Within the path.tsx
, I have the getStaticPaths
and getStaticProps
const SitecorePage = (props:IAuthorDetails): JSX.Element => {
return (
{/* {props?.displayName} */}
<AuthorDetails data={props} />
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const res = await fetch('https://url')
const authors= await res.json() as IAuthorList;
const paths = authors?.output?.map((post) => ({
params: { path: post.ID}
return {
fallback: false
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {
const id = context?.params?.path;
const res = await fetch(`url&Id=${id}`)
const props = await res.json() as IAuthorDetails;
return {
revalidate: 5,true
This works fine and when I run next:build, it generates all the author static HTML pages
However, when I try to access the page itself
I get a 404
author-id does not map to the * wildcard.
Do I need to write a Custom Item resolver? If yes, How would I do this?