Trying use Find-Item to get all items where _Source has a value set. Normally the _Source is null, so I thought that this would be sufficient - check for $null with -Invert set:

$FilterCriteria = @(
    @{Filter = "Equals"; Field = "_Source"; Value = $null; Invert=$true },
    @{Filter = "StartsWith"; Field = "_fullpath"; Value = "/sitecore/content/Website/sitex" }

$itemsToProcess = Find-Item -Index "sitecore_master_index" -Criteria $FilterCriteria -First 10 | Initialize-Item

It isn't working... Then I thought that I could use "contains" as filter for _Source-field, as the field starts with a "sitecore..."-string if set:

$FilterCriteria = @(
    @{Filter = "Contains"; Field = "_Source"; Value = "sitecore" },
    @{Filter = "StartsWith"; Field = "_fullpath"; Value = "/sitecore/content/Website/sitex" }

$itemsToProcess = Find-Item -Index "sitecore_master_index" -Criteria $FilterCriteria -First 10 | Initialize-Item

Nothing seems to be working on the "_Source"-field - any clues to make this work?!?

  • What field type is _Source? Commented Aug 8, 2023 at 19:16
  • The field type is “Version Link”
    – Kurt Bilde
    Commented Aug 8, 2023 at 19:49

1 Answer 1


By default Solr won't store anything for null value so you can try wildcard character "*".

I have tested below example and its working.

You need to make sure that _source field exists in Solr. Also, since all fields in Solr are in lowercase so you need to change the case from _Source to _source.

$FilterCriteria = @(
    @{Filter = "Equals"; Field = "_source"; Value = "*"; },
    @{Filter = "StartsWith"; Field = "_fullpath"; Value = "/sitecore/content/Website/sitex" }

$itemsToProcess = Find-Item -Index "sitecore_master_index" -Criteria $FilterCriteria -First 10 | Initialize-Item
  • @KurtBilde - did it work for you? Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 14:44
  • Nope but this it must be due to the field missing in the index....
    – Kurt Bilde
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 15:54

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