I have set up 2 identity provider plugins in sitecore identity, one is being used for /sitecore
login the other is used for one of our portals to authenticate against. Both use Okta as the IdP, however they are using 2 different instances (one is for internal employees, the other is for application users).
The issue I am having is that when the application users hit Okta and then redirect back to the identity server /signin-idsrv
endpoint the identity server falls back to using the employee version of the Okta plugin. Is there something I am missing configuration wise that can solve this issue? I believe the issue is that the identity server does not know which Okta instance is redirecting back to it and so it handles it using the first identity plugin it finds in the config.
I think this might be the issue as both plugins use the same paths currently.
options.CallbackPath = new PathString("/signin-idsrv");
options.SignedOutCallbackPath = new PathString("/signout/callback");
<identityProvidersPerSites hint="list:AddIdentityProvidersPerSites">
<mapEntry name="admin portal" type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Collections.IdentityProvidersPerSitesMapEntry, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication" resolve="true">
<identityProviders hint="list:AddIdentityProvider">
<identityProvider ref="federatedAuthentication/identityProviders/identityProvider[@id='SitecoreIdentityServer/IdS4-OktaGroupPortal']" />
<sites hint="list">
<externalUserBuilder type="MLCGP.Security.Feature.Pipelines.CustomExternalUserBuilder, MLCGP.Security.Feature" resolve="true">
<identityProvider id="SitecoreIdentityServer/IdS4-OktaGroupPortal" type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Configuration.DefaultIdentityProvider, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication">
<param desc="name">$(id)</param>
<param desc="domainManager" type="Sitecore.Abstractions.BaseDomainManager" resolve="true" />
<caption>Log in with Okta</caption>
<propertyInitializer type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Services.PropertyInitializer, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication">
<maps hint="list">
<map name="name to FullName" resolve="true"
type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Services.DefaultClaimToPropertyMapper, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication">
<data hint="raw:AddData">
<source name="name"/>
<target name="FullName" />