I have Sitecore JSS site where I have a problem that the links are having rel=”norefferrer” which is stopping Google analytics of operators see traffic from sitecore JSS website. I need to remove the noreferrer value on the links. Below is sample how its being implemented

        value: {
        href: 'https://xyz.abc',
        text: 'xyz',
        target: '_blank',
        url: 'https://xyz.abc',
        linktype: 'internal',

It looks like using target: '_blank' is adding this, where linktype: 'internal' has no effect in rel(tried to remove linktype: 'internal' but on removal rel had value as rel=”norefferrer”). Here it looks like it is added from Sitecore 8.2, Any idea or suggestion to achieve this?



3 Answers 3


In sitecore JSS, the "rel=noreferrer" mainly used for security reason and it is automatically added to links that open in a new tab. "target=_blank" case.

It is mainly use to prevent the passing of referrer information to the target website.

to remove that simply need to add rel="noreferrer" attribute, you can manually control the rel attribute in sitecore link component

      aria-label={field?.value?.text ?? field?.value?.href}

for "rel" attributes there are other values as well you can pass based on your scenario like, Mostly used:


Reference link: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel



Looks that below usage will solve this issue which will over ride rel

  rel= "noopner"


It looks a known issue and found in all Sitecore versions. Which Sitecore version you are using?

Seems like you need to raise a Sitecore Support ticket and ask for a patch for the version you are working on.

Patch for below are available per the article here: https://support.sitecore.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0339618

To resolve this issue, consider one of the following options:

For Sitecore XP 8.2 Update-4 - 9.0 Update-2, download and install the appropriate patch available on this page: https://github.com/SitecoreSupport/Sitecore.Support.223855/releases.

For Sitecore XP 9.1 Initial Release - 9.2 Initial Release, upgrade the Sitecore instance to XP 9.3 Initial Release (recommended).

  • This is not the same thing, the bug you are linking do duplicates the norefferrer and only for links in the RTE.
    – Richard Seal
    Commented Aug 1 at 14:38
  • Its Sitecore 10.2 headless jss, as mentioned this is stopping Google analytics of operators see traffic from Sitecore JSS website. Commented Aug 1 at 23:34

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