using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
var assetId = Context.TargetId;
// Ensure assetId is not null
if (assetId == null)
MClient.Logger.Error("AssetId is null.");
// Check if public links don't exist yet
var query = Query.CreateQuery(entities => from e in entities
where e.DefinitionName == "M.PublicLink"
&& e.Parent("AssetToPublicLink") == assetId.Value
&& e.Property("Resource") == "downloadOriginal"
&& e.Property("IsDisabled") == false
select e);
query.Take = 1;
var result = await MClient.Querying.QueryIdsAsync(query);
if (result.TotalNumberOfResults > 0)
MClient.Logger.Info("Public links already exist for asset with id '" + assetId + "'");
// Get the asset's file name
var assetQuery = Query.CreateQuery(entities => from e in entities
where e.Id == assetId.Value
select e);
var assetResult = await MClient.Querying.QueryAsync(assetQuery);
if (assetResult.TotalNumberOfResults == 0)
MClient.Logger.Error("No asset found with id '" + assetId + "'");
// Assuming "FileName" is a property of the asset entity
var assetEntity = assetResult.Items.FirstOrDefault();
var fileName = assetEntity?.GetPropertyValue<string>("FileName");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
MClient.Logger.Error("No file name found for asset with id '" + assetId + "'");
// Create public links with the file name as the RelativeUrl
await CreateForRendition("downloadOriginal", assetId.Value, fileName);
MClient.Logger.Info("Created public link 'downloadOriginal' with file name '" + fileName + "' for asset with id '" + assetId + "'");
async Task CreateForRendition(string rendition, long assetId, string fileName)
var publicLink = await MClient.EntityFactory.CreateAsync("M.PublicLink");
if (publicLink.CanDoLazyLoading())
await publicLink.LoadMembersAsync(new PropertyLoadOption("Resource"), new RelationLoadOption("AssetToPublicLink"));
publicLink.SetPropertyValue("Resource", rendition);
var relation = publicLink.GetRelation<IChildToManyParentsRelation>("AssetToPublicLink");
if (relation == null)
MClient.Logger.Error("Unable to create public link: no AssetToPublicLink relation found.");
// Set the RelativeUrl property using the file name
publicLink.SetPropertyValue("RelativeUrl", fileName);
await MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(publicLink);
2 Answers
In order to set the file name as url in the public link, you will need to add below code.
publicLink.SetPropertyValue("RelativeUrl", fileName);
You don't need to run the code in which are setting propertyvalue for PublicLinkURL
. Instead you need to set RelativeUrl
using the above line of code.
This will generate the public link in the below format:
As an additional note in case you will like to set the v
(version) parameter in the query string as well, you can add below code to set that.
publicLink.SetPropertyValue("VersionHash", {{versionHash}});
This version hash needs to be a random alphanumeric string of 8 digits.
Hope this helps!!! Let me know in case you face any issues.
1Figured it out! Someone created a script that was conflicting with mine! THANK YOU!– H. ThompCommented Aug 15 at 19:38
You need to set the RelativeUrl property with the filename instead of the PublicLinkURL property of the public link.
I tried specifying the RelativeUrl in the public link pop-window of an asset and was able to successfully add the file name to the public link.
The public link in my case: (the sandbox name removed deliberately)
Here are the properties of the public link above:
"properties": {
"RelativeUrl": "MeltyChocolateChipCookie",
"Resource": "downloadOriginal",
"ResourceType": "content",
"VersionHash": "4196f90f",
"IsDisabled": false,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"Status": "Completed",
"Progress": "The link is currently active.",
"FileKey": "local-61a4c20670d14a99be1b86e8f3adccb0",
"ConversionConfiguration": null,
"PublishStatus": {
"identifier": "Published",
"labels": {
"en-US": "Published"
"PublishStatusDetails": null
I am sorry - I am REALLY new at this - so I need to update the below and change publinkurl to relativeurl? var publicLinkUrl = $"/{fileName}"; publicLink.SetPropertyValue("PublicLinkURL", publicLinkUrl); await MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(publicLink);– H. ThompCommented Aug 15 at 18:25
@H.Thomp yes, that is correct. I looked at your updated code and it is correct. Did that work for you? Commented Aug 15 at 19:29
@Chanddra.Sekaran.V It did not - maybe my trigger is wrong? It keeps putting the GUID in the url path. I have the trigger set as post action.– H. ThompCommented Aug 15 at 19:32
@H.Thomp Can you move publicLink.SetPropertyValue("RelativeUrl", fileName); next to publicLink.SetPropertyValue("Resource", rendition);? I have a feeling you are setting the relative URL a bit late after you've added the public link to the asset. Commented Aug 15 at 19:36