I upgraded our environment to Sitecore 8.2 Update 2. I now am getting the following error on startup.
ManagedPoolThread #6 17:01:24 INFO Cache created: 'SqlDataProvider - Property data(production)' (max size: 500KB, running total: 5756MB)
8228 17:01:25 INFO xDB Cloud - Get xDB-set with License Id: '20150130061746' - Deployment Id: 'JDA20150130061746' Attempt 2 of 5
8228 17:01:30 INFO xDB Cloud - Get xDB-set with License Id: '20150130061746' - Deployment Id: 'JDA20150130061746' Attempt 3 of 5
8228 17:01:35 INFO xDB Cloud - Get xDB-set with License Id: '20150130061746' - Deployment Id: 'JDA20150130061746' Attempt 4 of 5
8228 17:01:40 INFO xDB Cloud - Get xDB-set with License Id: '20150130061746' - Deployment Id: 'JDA20150130061746' Attempt 5 of 5
8228 17:01:40 ERROR xDB Cloud - Exception during initializing occurred
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<Sitecore.Cloud.RestClient.IRestResponse`1<!!0>> Sitecore.Cloud.RestClient.IRestClient.ExecuteAsync(Sitecore.Cloud.RestClient.IRestRequest)'.
at Sitecore.Cloud.Xdb.DiscoveryServiceClient.GetXdbSet(String licenseId, String deploymentId, String sitecoreVersion, String cloudXdbAssemblyVersion, String cloudSearchAssemblyVersion, String deploymentType)
at Sitecore.Cloud.Xdb.DiscoveryServiceClient.<GetXdbSet>b__0()
at Sitecore.Cloud.Xdb.Retryer.Execute[T](Func`1 task, Func`2 stopOnException, String message, Int32 retryNum, TimeSpan retryInterval)
at Sitecore.Cloud.Xdb.DiscoveryServiceClient.GetXdbSet()
at Sitecore.Cloud.Xdb.UpdateXdbConnectionStrings.Process(PipelineArgs args)
8228 17:01:40 ERROR xDB Cloud - xDB Cloud initialization failed. Please contact Sitecore Support via http://support.sitecore.net
8228 17:01:40 FATAL xDB Cloud - xDB Cloud initialization failed. Please contact Sitecore Support via http://support.sitecore.net
8228 17:01:40 INFO xDB Cloud - Initialization failed
8228 17:01:40 INFO [Analytics]: Started background service for 'maintenanceService'.
As nothing else changed in the environment other than the upgrade I was curious if it was because 8.2 Update 2 support hadn't been deployed to their cloud xDB yet?