I have a interface that is instantiated by Glass using a Glass sitecoreService.Cast method. The interface has a couply of properties I would like to populate using a query but this doesn't work. Using 'SitecoreChildren' attribute does work though.

Here's my interface

public partial interface IVergoeding
    [SitecoreQuery("./*[@@templateid='1AEE2D9C-1599-4B49-9DB2-FD638969963C']", IsRelative = true)]
    IEnumerable<IVergoedingRegel> VergoedingRegels { get; set; }

I checked the templateID and that is OK. Any ideas?

  • 3
    can you try [@@templateid='{1AEE2D9C-1599-4B49-9DB2-FD638969963C}']. You forgot curly brackets Commented May 24, 2017 at 14:00
  • Looks like Mike Edwards post on this: glass.lu/Blog/GettingChildItems is actually wrong, since I ran some tests and it should have the curly braces. Non-curly braces fails to work in my tests. But possibly older versions of glass it worked without braces. Commented May 25, 2017 at 2:41

1 Answer 1


I transformed my comment in an answer. Looks like yoo missed curly brackets on SitecoreQuery attribute. Please try bellow code:

public partial interface IVergoeding
    [SitecoreQuery("./*[@@templateid='{1AEE2D9C-1599-4B49-9DB2-FD638969963C}']", IsRelative = true)]
    IEnumerable<IVergoedingRegel> VergoedingRegels { get; set; }
  • if it helps you, please mark it like correct answer. Maybe others have same issue. Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 17:45

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