In our application, I am trying to implement stopword for various language. We are having country wise core index. One of my search, I am fetching search item using Content, Headline and SearchKeyword fields. Below is my custom search result item model.

public class SiteSearchResultItem: SearchResultItem
       public string HeadLine { get; set; }

       public string SearchKeywords { get; set; }

Content maps to “Sitecore.ContentSearch.SearchTypes.SearchResultItem” Property. I am building filter using predicate builder as below.

predicate = predicate.Or(p => p.Content.Contains(searchParms.SearchTerm))
                .Or(p => p.Content.Equals(searchParms.SearchTerm))
                .Or(p => p.HeadLine.Contains(searchParms.SearchTerm).Boost(5f))
                .Or(p => p.HeadLine.Equals(searchParms.SearchTerm).Boost(5f))
                .Or(p => p.SearchKeywords.Contains(searchParms.SearchTerm))
                .Or(p => p.SearchKeywords.Equals(searchParms.SearchTerm));

I am testing stopword for Portuguese language. So, I have added a stopword “estávamos” in corresponding stopword_pt.txt file. While query through solr admin, it’s working fine. Below are the queries, I have tested.

In sitecore, I have create two item which has title and “menu_title” which points to headline in solr field.

Solr Admin Raw Query:

headline_t_pt:estávamos brazil => Providing no data

headline_t_pt:”estávamos brazil” => Providing only Item which has title brazil data

menu_title_t_pt:"estávamos brazil" => Providing only item which has menu title brazil.

Query which passed to solr:

(_content:(estávamos brazil) OR _content:("estávamos brazil") OR headline_t_pt:(estávamos brazil) OR headline_t_pt:("estávamos brazil")) AND _language:(pt-BR)

So, It’s working fine in solr Admin tool. But in my sitecore application, it’s not excluding those data.

And Also I need what are the fields will be in content property in solr sitecore. It's mapping to "_content" solr field?

  • Check the Search log files to see what the actual SOLR query is that Sitecore is sending over.
    – Richard Seal
    Commented May 30, 2017 at 14:07
  • Query passed: (_content:(estávamos brazil) OR _content:("estávamos brazil") OR headline_t_pt:(estávamos brazil) OR headline_t_pt:("estávamos brazil")) AND _language:(pt\-BR) Commented May 31, 2017 at 9:45

1 Answer 1


The _content field is a field which contains the content of ALL your fields. It is NOT language dependent and does not remove stopwords on the solr side- so remove the p.Content.Contains(searchParms.SearchTerm)) .Or(p => p.Content.Equals(searchParms.SearchTerm)


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