Hey I can't get my head around this and haven't worked to much in Sitecore but can anyone help? The code is getting the children of a item putting them into an array and then running another section depending on the items in the array. What I want is to remove any items that doesn't have the current language version. Here is what I've got. Even telling me I'm on the wrong track will help Thanks.
var detailPages = Sitecore.Context.Item.Children.AsStronglyTypedCollectionOf<IDetailPageItem>().ToArray();
@foreach (var detailPage in detailPages)
if (Sitecore.Context.Item.Versions.Count == 0)
Array.remove(detailPages, detailPage);
if (!RenderingContext.IsEditing && detailPages.Length == 0)
<div class="cardsmenu">
<div class="wrapper">
@if (RenderingContext.IsEditing && detailPages.Length == 0)
<p class="edit-only">No detail page children exist. This list will be invisible when viewed outside edit mode.</p>
@foreach (var detailPage1 in detailPages)
@Html.Partial("/Areas/mytestsite/Views/Shared/DetailPageLink.cshtml", detailPage1)