Sitecore 8.2 U5
SOLR 6.6.2
In the content editor, I can search for any words or phrase. Sitecore will return results for any item where that word or phrase is used, in any field.
But in the media library, using the same search. I only get back search results where the the word or phrase is in the item name. No fields on the items are search. This happens only in the media library.
Nothing exciting in the configs. Pretty much vanilla Sitecore. When I look in SOLR, my media fields are indexed. If I do a custom field search Description|Danger2
, it also returns no results when there are items that match that query. I have rebuild index and searched the logs. No that points to an answer yet.
We are noticing in the Media Library, in SOLR, we are searching the index sitecore_marketing_asset_index_master
. It is searching _content
field, but that field does not have the proper data in it. If we search Sitecore using the proper field author_t|jerry
, we get results. So it seems like _content is not being populated in sitecore_marketing_asset_index_master
and why are we using that index and not sitecore_master_index
27824 11:16:31 INFO Solr Query - ?q=((((_content:(Bumpy) OR _name:(Bumpy) OR _displayname:(Bumpy)) AND _path:(2b7a070b5ddd4692b808d8c30cbd633c)) AND _latestversion:(1)) AND _datasource:(sitecore))&start=0&rows=20&fl=*,score&fq=_indexname:(sitecore_marketing_asset_index_master)
<exclude hint="list:AddExcludedField">
index configiguration... probably why but depends on what field values you are expecting...