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Questions tagged [scriban]

For questions related to the SXA Scriban templates.

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How do you count the number of children in a Scriban template?

Given a page or item, how do I count the number of children? {{ i_page.children }}
Michael West's user avatar
  • 18.6k
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Null checks in Scriban

I want to check for null values in Scriban. {{ if ( }} <div style="text-align: center;"><h5>Address {{}}</h5><br /></div> ...
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5 votes
2 answers

Accessing Link Field Values in a Scriban Template

I am using a Scriban template in Sitecore 9.3 with SXA and am attempting to render a link field. While the sc_link function reliably generates the URL, I cannot seem to find a way to access any other ...
Sirius_B's user avatar
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Is there a way to get a user object in Scriban?

I was trying to display user information inside a Scriban template (SXA variant). I managed to write a context function that gives me the full name of the user (or any profile property I put in ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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Object reference not set to instance in preview mode for sc_translate

I am getting object reference not set to instance at sc_translate in preview mode When i checked the scriban loc (10,57), it is sc_translate What can be the possible reason for this?
Jagmeet Kaur's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Get Item by path or ID using Scriban in Sitecore

Environment: Sitecore 10.2 & SXA 10.2 Scenario: I would like to get the item by using its path or ID in Scriban. Is there any OOTB functionality to achieve this?
PSS's user avatar
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Is there a way to render scriban templates without the use of SXA Rendering Variants?

I would like to do some quick prototyping of scriban templates but have found constantly changing the rendering variant and refresh the page to be more time consuming than I would like. Is there a ...
Michael West's user avatar
  • 18.6k