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2 answers

Could not find add method: AddExcludedTemplate (type: Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrIndexConfiguration)

I'm using Sitecore 10.4 and I'm planning to exclude the template and created the separated file with the name of "SpecificationLookupIndexConfiguration.config" and below is the content <?...
Rameshkumar's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Solr query returning zero results in Controller

I am trying to fetch List of articles using Solr Search context. This is the code block trying to fetch the results. var searchIndex = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName); // Get the search index ...
Mohit Patil's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Custom Computed Field is not getting indexed

I am trying to create a Computed Field (_pdfcontent) to store the content of PDF documents. I have written a class that extends IComputedIndexField to create the computed field. public class ...
Mohit Patil's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to get all the templates by Solr in sitecore [closed]

Can I get this by Solr C#? I need assistance to Get a list of all Sitecore templates, including Template Name Number of pages using this template URL of page using the template
Hasanshali's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Customize Sitecore crawling logs to log request payload and request url on rebuild index

I am facing some issues with index rebuild, Is there any way to Customize the Sitecore crawling logs to log the request payload and request URL on the rebuild index? Which pipeline is responsible for ...
Sanjay Kumar's user avatar
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Sitecore Content Search API not giving results on more than 3 words search string

We are facing some weird issue where passing the same predicate in lower environments to content search GetQueryable method is yielding results, but results are not showing in higher environments. In ...
Shiv's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Solr New Index access without Sitecore config

Can we access or use a new index created in solr with documents that are inserted from content hub and we need to access this index in our solution. DO we need to create the index in Sitecore config ...
MBN's user avatar
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1 answer

Deployment Failure in Sitecore XM Cloud Environment - Solr Indexing Issue

We are currently facing an issue with our Sitecore XM Cloud deployment process, specifically within our test environment. During the deployment phase, we encounter a failure with the following log ...
Yaswanth's user avatar
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2 answers

Without upgrading sitecore version 10.2,how can i update current Solr version 8.8.2

Without upgrading Sitecore current version 10.2, How can I update the current Solr version 8.8.2? Do we have an alternate to fix the Vulnerabilities?
Krishna's user avatar
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My sitecore Marketing automation service in not running in my local which is causing issue in EXM [closed]

My Sitecore Marketing automation service in not running in local. Getting 1064 error: an exception occurred in the service while handling the control request. How to fix it? I have checked the event ...
smruti satapathy's user avatar
2 votes
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My csv contact list after update to list manager is showing 0 recipient

I am working on EXM, so i have created contact list csv and uploaded it in List manager in my local, but after that it is showing as 0 recipients. How to fix it?? Note: This issue is only occurring ...
smruti satapathy's user avatar
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Indexing Manager shows incorrect output after reindex finished successfully

I am testing a Sitecore 10.3.1 site, and whenever I perform a reindex, I see this output in the Indexing Manager: Job started: {0} Job ended: {0} (units processed: {1}) Finished in 65 seconds It ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
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2 answers

Sitecore GraphQL isn't returning any results if search by id or any other field

I am new to GraphQL and running the following query without any success. Just search by id which isn't returning any results. Any help is highly appreciated. If I remove the fieldsEqual I see the ...
Imran Hamid's user avatar
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XmlParser is vulnerable to XML external entity (XXE) vulnerability GHSA-58qw-p7qm-5rvh - org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml

We recently conducted a scan using AWS Inspector and identified the following vulnerability: GHSA-58qw-p7qm-5rvh affecting org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml. Here is the description of the vulnerability.[...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

SOLR Searches - Issues with forward slash

I'm having issues with returning results from Solr that have a forward slash (/), if I search for something like - "Valid Publication Name 2019/20", it shows 0 results, while running "...
Maverick HT's user avatar
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2 answers

Computed Index Fields not working on CD, SXA Sitecore 10.3 Scaled Environment

I'm using Sitecore 10.3 and SXA. On a scaled environment setup with 1 CM and 2 CDs, and a separate server for Solr. I have some computed index fields configured following this blog, I am using them ...
Mie ElMansy's user avatar
2 votes
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Seeking Guidance on Synchronizing Indexing Data Between Two Solr Cloud Clusters in Different Regions(east us & central us)

I'm currently working with two Solr Cloud clusters located in different regions with Sitecore multi-region CDs, and I'm looking for advice on how to synchronize the indexing data between both Solr ...
user14464's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.3 and 10.4 Solr 9.x compatibility

With Sitecore 10.4 released, the Solr version installed with and officially compatible with both 10.3 and 10.4 is Solr 8.11.2. Considering the security vulnerabilities with Solr 8.11.2 and the ...
Praveen Panwar's user avatar
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Unknown query node type: 'Constant'

We could see the lot of below exceptions in the Sitecore log file. Could you please provide some suggestions to resolve this issue? Exception: System.NotSupportedException Message: Unknown query node ...
Astle's user avatar
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Custom Index Strategy Not Updating Indexes

We have a custom database named Preview and are able to publish to this, but the preview index is not getting updated when an item is published. If we manually rebuild via the CMS, the item will then ...
Kode's user avatar
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SOLR Not Working 503 Error Netty dependencies have versions that do not match the versions specified in the azure-core-http-netty pom.xml file

We have an Azure Web App SOLR connected with Sitecore for Indexing. it was working great till Yesterday. Now the Azure Service is Not coming up with Error. HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. ...
Sunil Rana's user avatar
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Sitecore Multi-Zone Setup: Solr Index not Updating in One Zone during Indexing

Sitecore setup with 4 CD servers configured into two zones: zone-a: servers 01a and 02a zone-b: servers 01b and 02b Each zone has its own Solr Cloud setup: zone-a points to a Solr cluster with ...
Harish's user avatar
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Custom boosting rule for scopes to boost by time passed since last update

I am trying to implement a custom boosting rule (as described here) for the site search scope, where an item should be boosted by the time passed since last updated. For the record - we already ...
z00mable's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Sitecore index to Solr index core?

I was able to deploy Sitecore 10.3.1 in Azure and I verified the solrConnectionString is pointed to my Solr installation I understand when we deploy onprem locally, ...
John's user avatar
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How to supply solrConnectionString when deploying Sitecore 10.3.1 to Azure?

I created a VM and installed the Solr 8.11 and added public IP address and certificate to make Solr accessible from outside the VM as - url tested and it is working. I ...
John's user avatar
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Sitecore SolrCloud: Main alias not updating after index rebuild

I'm using Sitecore SolrCloud, and I have encountered an issue with the index rebuild process. Here's what happened: I inadvertently deleted index records from both the main and rebuild aliases in my ...
Harish's user avatar
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2 answers

Solr xdb Rebuild not progressing from past 4 days

I am trying to rebuild xdb. However, it is stuck on 20.97% from past 4 days. No Error in log file. The solr is stopped on the 4742794. But keeps on saying lastmodified a minute ago. I have tried out ...
Sunil Rana's user avatar
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3 answers

Removing all index data from both main and rebuild aliases when using SwitchOnRebuild

I'm using the SitecoreSwitchOnRebuild feature, which involves two Solr index aliases - the "main" alias for search/update operations and the "rebuild" alias for rebuilding the ...
Harish's user avatar
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How to resolve duplicate Video Items getting created in Sitecore Content Tree on Brightcove pull sync pipeline?

We have recently upgraded to Brightcove 10.1 connector. Right now we are using pull pipeline to fetch videos, player, playlist and label. But the duplicate video items are getting created even though ...
Aniket Bajpai's user avatar
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5 answers

How to create Solr Index custom field mapping with schema configuration?

I am newbie to Solr Index and its custom field mapping in sitecore along with its configuration. I have googled so much but I am got completely confused and unable to start from basic. Please give me ...
Kumari Dimple's user avatar
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Sitecore Multilist not indexed as multivalue

I'm working on a Solr problem. We're in the process of upgrading a Sitecore 9.2 version instance up to a 10.3. It's a multi-tenant site in Sitecore. Hosting ~10 sites. All the sites share a solr index ...
Anthony's user avatar
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2 answers

xdb_collection.GetContactsChanges-Sync token is no longer valid for [Contacts] table

After rebuilding the xDB search index in SOLR Cloud, the data is not reflecting in the xdb_internal collection but is being updated in the xdb_rebuild_internal collection. I have checked the ...
Himmat Singh Dulawat's user avatar
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Content Editor search is not working for the template Ids

I have Sitecore 10.3 with SOLR search. In the "Sitecore.ContentSearch.Solr.DefaultIndexConfiguration.config" I have mentioned the <indexAllFields>false</indexAllFields> and next ...
Rameshkumar's user avatar
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What to check before rebuilding a Sitecore index via scheduled task?

I'm trying to do something that I don't see a lot of descriptions of. For our installation of Sitecore, we have a special index, for managing pictures via a service called "Digizuite". This ...
Ask Sejsbo's user avatar
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Index rebuild on CM server only updates some CD servers in Sitecore

I have a Sitecore architecture with 1 CM server and 4 CD servers split into an A and B environment (2 servers each). The A and B environments each have their own separate databases (uatadb and uatbdb)....
Harish's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

My Solr health check during docker compose up is failing in my local xm cloud instance

I am having an issue with starting my XM Cloud Local Docker instance, using the up.ps1 script. It looks to be stopping specifically at this health check: test: ["CMD", "powershell",...
Bridgette Ryan's user avatar
0 votes
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SOLR issue - Install Sitecore 10.3

I'm facing the issue while installing the Sitecore 10.3 on my local. In the first step followed prerequisites step and install SOLR at the time SOLR is not installing it stuck on the 3rd out of 20. ...
Rameshkumar's user avatar
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Sitecore SXA search ordering with Solr

I'm trying to understand how results are ordered when using a SXA Search results component without using a Default sort order option or a Sort result component. I need this for a site search, where ...
z00mable's user avatar
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Item versions to create by date [closed]

We have requirement to show some text content (rich text field) based on revision date updated (date field). Latest updated content (sorted by date in descending) will be shown at the top . So content ...
Akshay D's user avatar
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Solr not returning the result on new publishing target based CD

We are trying to get the data from one of the custom indexes and the data comes on CM and CD (web DB based) but we have created a new CD based on the new publishing target as a preview and there data ...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set the JVM Memory for Solr running on an Azure App Service

If you are following one of these blog posts on setting up Solr in an Azure App Service (instead of an VM) such as:, ...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
3 votes
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xDB index rebuild gets stuck and get Request Entity Too Large exceptions

I encountered an issue during a manual trigger of an xDB index rebuild. The process appears to get stuck at approximately 7%, and despite waiting for hours, there's no further progress. Upon ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Is it possible to install Sitecore in local for free? [duplicate]

Is it possible to install in local for free just for learning purpose? . please help me with it.
Yash Desai's user avatar
3 votes
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SwitchOnRebuildSolrCloudSearchIndex not working with manual update strategy

Our Sitecore 9.3 platform has a custom index called "OurProject_crawledcontent" which is used by the search functionality on the main website. This index is rebuilt by a Sitecore task every ...
Peter M.'s user avatar
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SXA search result API is not giving the result for the custom index on newly setup preview CD based on publishing target

We have created the custom indexes on the newly set CD server based on the new publishing target using docker. Please quickly check one of the posted questions to get an idea of how I've set up the ...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
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Order search results by frequency of the search item (Wildcard and substring)

Extending my previous question We have a requirement to order search results based on the number of occurrence of the search term (wildcard and substring) in a list of fields(not all the fields). Ex : ...
D J's user avatar
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New publishing target based CD server is not showing index data

In docker, I created the new publishing target as preview and set the new container by copying the docker-componse instructions of the CM service and removed the master connection string from this, ...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
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Order search results by frequency of the search item in a list of fields in Solr

We have a requirement to order search results based on the number of occurrence of the search term in a list of fields(not all the fields). We tried the below query in sort, but this does not provide ...
D J's user avatar
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Solr fails to restart during Sitecore 9.1 SIF installation

I'm installing Sitecore 9.1.0 locally using SIF and it reaches about step 70 of 85, then fails with the error Could not complete request for https://localhost:8984/solr - Unable to connect to the ...
Matthew Dresser's user avatar
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Sitecore Media Items not showing up in List view of dialogue box

I have recently updated my local Sitecore setup to 10.3 from 10.1 and found out that the media items are not loading in the list view of the Select Media dialogue box while the tree view working fine. ...
Tabbuu's user avatar
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