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No Data collected in the sitecore Reporting Database

I can see the users are being added in the Experiance profile but my analytics chart dont show any data

I checked reporting database and It is empty.

I have spent more time in troubleshooting. Any one can help out on this?

  1. I added @Html.Sitecore().VisitorIdentification()

  2. I have disabled Analytics.Robots.IgnoreRobots and Analytics.AutoDetectBots

setting name="Analytics.AutoDetectBots" set:value="false

setting name="Analytics.Robots.IgnoreRobots" set:value="false"

  1. I had checked my solr URL and it doesnt contain any # symbol in the path

  2. I have set IndexAnonymousContactData in 2 of my configs true IndexAnonymousContactData true IndexAnonymousContactData

5 when I add the profile programatically and I can see the visits ExperianceProfile and no entries in reporting database. Even the websites I have is not populated in filter as you can see in image

enter image description here