There is no out of the box way to do this, you need to customize `Sitecore.Context.SetLanguage` function as /// <summary> /// Sets the current language. /// This to extend the sitecore default SetLanguage behavior by adding expiration date for the language cookie /// </summary> /// <param name="language">The language.</param> /// <param name="persistent">if set to <c>true</c>, the value will be persisted (in a cookie).</param> /// <param name="ExpirationDate">The cookie expiration date, presistent should be set to <c>true</c> too </param> public static void SetLanguage(Language language, bool persistent, DateTime ExpirationDate) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(language, "language"); Context.Items["sc_Language"] = language; if (!persistent) { return; } SiteContext site = Context.Site; if (site != null) { string cookieKey = site.GetCookieKey("lang"); if (WebUtil.GetCookieValue(cookieKey) != language.Name) { WebUtil.SetCookieValue(cookieKey, language.Name, ExpirationDate); } } } I added more details at my blog : Best, Naim