We have Sitecore 9.3 multisite setup on Azure PAAS. We have been noticing a weird issue where LinkManager.GetItemUrl is generating urls for different site and not the context site intermittently. e.g. we have 3 sites setup in the following order 1. portal.mysite.com.au 2. mysite.com.au 3. myotherste.com.au mysite-portal has navigation links to transactional pages like, update personal details and change password, e.g. portal.mysite.com.au/update-password We have seen from our monitoring tools that the navigation links in portal.mysite.com.au sometimes have mysite.com.au in the hostname. e.g. Sometimes portal.mysite.com.au/update-password link url is mysite.com.au/update-password which is causing 404 Page Not Found. Has anyone experienced similar issue and/or suggest what we could try to fix this issue.