I am hoping to understand the cause of this and hopefully find a solution - I have looked at every possible solution, but haven't been able to fix it. Sitecore *v8.2 update 3* using *SOLR*. In my current set up, **Core DB** is *not* shared between CM and CD servers. Index update strategy for web db is ***onPublishEndAsync***. I created a new item and published it. Item was published to the web db, but the item didn't appear in the index. I thought perhaps core db might have a play in this. So, I changed the settings as follows. 1. Both CM and CD servers to share the core db. 2. Set up the `InstanceName` and `Publishing.PublishingInstance` instance name on CM and CD servers. 3. Updated the eventqueue polling interval to 1 minute. 4. Changed the crawling log to add debug information. Index is still not updated and the message that I see in the logs is `'Event Queue is empty. Incremental update returns'` All the events are processed in the event queue according to *EventQueueStats.aspx* What could be the cause of it? ***Edit:*** I kicked off index rebuild from 'developers' tab, but even that didn't update the web index. The core name and the ID is correct. Job ended: Index Rebuild (sitecore_web_index) (units processed: )