Here’s you can change GraphQL query that includes server URLs for this you need to use `alwaysIncludeServerUrl :true`. The url field with `alwaysIncludeServerUrl: true` is interesting. In Sitecore, this typically means the returned URL will include the full server URL, not just the relative path. This is useful when you need absolute URLs, for example, in email communications or when sharing links externally. ```graphql query ContentCardQuery($datasource: String!) { datasource: item(path: $datasource, language: "en") { id name ... on About { title { value } url(options: { alwaysIncludeServerUrl: true }) } } } ``` Here I'm using home template in attached screenshot and getting the title and url field value. As shown in output I'm getting url value with server url. [![enter image description here][1]][1] Hope this helps!!! Let me know in case you have doubts. [1]: