You can update the **** file and make use of the `Custom Data` property in TDS to set whether a field should not be lazy loaded. Let's add some comments to keep this clean. Add this near the top of the file with the rest of the setting comments ([Line 38]( on clean tt file) /* dontloadlazy=true Sets the field setting to DontLoadLazily */ Add a new method to the end of the file which will check whether the field has the above property set on it in TDS ([Line 240]( on a clean file): <!-- language: lang-cs --> public static string GetGlassFieldLoadLazily(SitecoreField field) { string loadLazy = GetCustomProperty(field.Data, "dontloadlazy"); bool isDontLoadLazy; bool.TryParse(loadLazy, out isDontLoadLazy); if (isDontLoadLazy) return ", Setting = SitecoreFieldSettings.DontLoadLazily"; return string.Empty; } Next update the code generation to reference your method and pass through the field settings: [Line 75]( <!-- language: lang-cs --> [SitecoreField(<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.<#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName <#= GetGlassFieldLoadLazily(field) #>)] [Line 119]( <!-- language: lang-cs --> [SitecoreField(<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.<#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName <#= GetGlassFieldLoadLazily(field) #>)] For every field which you wish the setting to apply to, update the properties for that field in TDS and set **dontloadlazy=true** in `Custom Data`. [![TDS Don't Lazily Load][1]][1] Generate the code for your project and then property will now be added to the generated code. [1]: