I'm using Sitecore 9.0 Update 1 and XC9 Update 1 in a project for a European customer. We created our own environment based on the OOTB Habitat-environment. In the config-file we set EUR to be the default currency. USD was always just added as an option. In my "Currency Configuration" I use the currency set "Default", which has "EUR" assigned as default currency. Also all prices, that are assigned to the sellable items (wether list prices or price cards / price card snapshots), use just EUR as currency. But when I try to add a product to the cart, that does not have a USD-price assigned, I get the following error in the commerce engine log: > ERROR CtxMsg.Error.LineIsNotPurchasable: Text=Item 'My Product' is not purchasable. But if I add a price with currency "USD", it works fine. I assume, I'm doing something wrong, sadly I wasn't able to figure out what it is. I use the `CartServiceProvider` from the `Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.Core.dll` and use it's `AddCartLines` method. Here is a simplified version of the code: var currency = "EUR"; var cartLine = new CommerceCartLine(catalog, product.ProductId, null, product.Quantity); var request = new AddCartLinesRequest(cart, new[] { cartLine }) { CurrencyCode = currency, Shop = new Shop { Name = Consts.ShopName } }; _cartServiceProvider.AddCartLines(request);