To avoid linkrot, here are the feed urls for the official feeds:

NuGet V3 feed URL (Visual Studio 2015+)


NuGet V2 feed URL (Visual Studio 2012+)


Browse packages


If you are using a build server, as well as adding this to Visual Studio you will want to update your `Nuget.config` file:

<!-- language-all: xml -->

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      Used to specify the default Sources for list, install and update.
        <add key="Official Sitecore" value="" />

        <!-- this tells that all of them are active -->
        <add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />

There is a nice post here talking about adding that to your VS solution:

Some of the main points when using are:
* There are packages with `.NoReferences` suffixed. These are probably the most useful as they don't try to bring in a lot of dependencies you may not need in your project.
* They set the binaries as `CopyLocal=true`, so you may want to change that in your project

@kamsar wrote a nifty PowerShell script to update your solution to use this: