Layouts ------- - Provide the outermost HTML structure of a page. - There is **one** layout (per device) per page. - Apply to WebForms (.aspx) **and** MVC (.cshtml) - Comprise of Layout definition item and aspx page (WebForms) or cshtml file (MVC) Sublayouts ---------- - Provide inner HTML structure to a component or structuring element of a page. - Apply only to WebForms - Comprise of a definition item + .ascx control. - Can contain nested Sublayouts within their placeholders Renderings ---------- - Provide inner HTML structure to a component or structuring element of a page. - Can be used with WebForms OR MVC (if using XSLT) - Comprise of a definition item + .xslt or .cshtml view - Can contain nested renderings (or sublayouts [1]) within their placeholders [1] can only contain nested sublayout if xslt rendering within a WebForms solution