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7 votes

Upgrade Sitecore Managed Cloud Containers from AKS 1.23 to 1.24

Upgrade Instructions Download an upgrade package for the required topology and version from the storage. There is a list of available upgrade packages: Sitecore 10.1.0: mcc.xp.upgrade.10.1.0-r.0.1....
Raman Gupta's user avatar
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4 votes

Error on mssql-init container during the deployment of Sitecore to AKS

There were linefeed characters in the secret files. Removing the linefeed characters resolved the issue and the sql server was reachable. Once you remove the line feed characters from the files, you ...
Prasanth Nittala's user avatar
3 votes

Replacing app setting with environment variable in Sitecore managed cloud

So i thought i would post the answer to this in case anyone else comes across this problem. So the Sitecore 10.2 docker images (this is the only version I have verified this against) come with a ...
Richard Banks's user avatar
2 votes

How to connect to MSSQL hosted in Sitecore AKS Infra

I imagine there are multiple ways, but the following worked for me. Install Azure CLI Navigate to your Kubernetes resource in Azure, specifically the "Overview" tab Click "Connect"...
jrap's user avatar
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2 votes

Hard time installing Sitecore 10 external resources in Kubernetes AKS in Azure

ahmed Check my scripts at and check 2.CreateAKS.ps1, do you have a windows node on your cluster? az aks create --resource-group ...
bartp's user avatar
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2 votes

Replacing the value of env:define with an environment variable in AKS

Kubernetes doesn't support the colon character (:) in environment variables names, as reported in this Github issue on the Kubernetes repository here. The workaround suggested by Sitecore using double ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
1 vote

Generating Custom Error pages using SXA - Docker Container AKS

You need to take the path where the ErrorPages folder is being generated and map it to a persistent storage volume. This is quite similar to how the logs are stored and persisted. If you check the cd....
Sumit Upadhyay's user avatar
1 vote

Hard time installing Sitecore 10 external resources in Kubernetes AKS in Azure

If you are looking to deploy a Sitecore 10 Dev/Non-Prod Instance you might give my all in one PowerShell deployment script a try. It's targeted for XM, I will be creating one for XP as well as time ...
Colin's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore 10 AKS Development Instance - SQL Persistence

I think a Persistent Volume Claim might be what you are looking for. This effectively creates a storage account in your azure subscription and saves the data from the SQL to it. Try something like ...
Dean OBrien's user avatar
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1 vote

Installing SPE to managed cloud

To add the SPE module, you must create specific Docker images and push them to the MCC Azure Container Registry (ACR) i.e {infrastructureid}acr and then change them in the Application repository. You ...
Raman Gupta's user avatar
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1 vote

Installing SPE to managed cloud

I assume you already found how to add SPE to the images - that part is documented ( and you mentioned it is ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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1 vote

Deploy Docker Images to Multiple AKS Environments

If you think about the base Sitecore images distributed from the Sitecore container registry, these images deliver immutable code that can be deployed on any AKS cluster. The reason this is possible ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
1 vote

How to expose more than one source log file for a pod in Sitecore in AKS

The LogMonitor.exe application that is included in the Sitecore images and stored in the C:\LogMonitor folder is a Microsoft logging tool for Windows containers. This application is responsible to ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar

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