8 votes

Converting Address in CRM to Sitecore via Data Exchange to GeoLocation Latitude Longitude

I can suggest the following solution: You need to implement a custom field reader with a custom field converter: using Sitecore.DataExchange.DataAccess; namespace Example { public interface ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
6 votes

How to add a filter to Dynamics CRM connector 3.0.0 to read single contact

I have figured a way: On the Read Contacts from Dynamics Pipeline there is a field "Filter Expression". If I create my custom condition "Where contact is my Test User" with one string condition ...
Volodymyr Hil's user avatar
6 votes

Using Sitecore Forms with Dynamics 365

Go for Sitecore Forms. WFFM is no longer included in 9.1 so that is a dead end... You will need to create your own submit actions (in both options btw) if you want it on this version.. If you can ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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6 votes

Sitecore using Dynamics CRM - which permission level does the user used in ConnectionStrings needs to have?

In order for Sitecore to be able to access account information from CRM, the CRM user used to connect to CRM must have the following permissions assigned: Read account entities If these permissions ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
5 votes

Data Exchange Framework delete records in Sitecore if does not Exist in Source(CRM)

Unfortunately Dynamics CRM cannot send request to Sitecore to notify that entity was deleted. You can add a custom solution like "Clean Up Sync" pipeline batch to send a request to determine whether ...
Vlad Shpak's user avatar
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4 votes

Sitecore Connect for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales 2.0.1 - Getting Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference instead of ID on reference entities

In order to get customer id you have to change your accessor template to It should be something like this And if the value Guid type you can use transformer Guid to String.
Vlad Shpak's user avatar
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4 votes

Custom Pipeline to compare Sitecore records to Dynamics CRM in DEF

It's not clear to me exactly what you are trying to do, but it sounds like you ran a process to read data from CRM and write that data to Sitecore. Some of that data no longer exists in CRM, so you ...
Adam Conn's user avatar
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4 votes

Populate Custom Table instead of Contacts table in CRM using Dynamics CRM Connector

Yes, you can simply do that. If you use a default Dynamics CRM Connector pipeline to sync contacts to CRM, you only need to navigate Pipelines -> xConnect Contacts to Dynamics Sync Pipelines(1) ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
3 votes

Using Sitecore Forms with Dynamics 365

What Gert said is 100% valid. If you don't have to save in dynamics CRM in real time you can use Dynamics CRM Connect Module. After you create contacts in XDB you can use Dynamics CRM Connector to ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

Sitecore Microsoft Dynamics CRM Security Provider 2.1 fails on Sitecore 8

Problem Solved Solution: If you are using just Sitecore CRM Provider, you should use "authentication type=2", if you are using Microsoft.Xrm.dl then you should use authtype=Office365, if you ...
Jose Neto's user avatar
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2 votes

Sync Sitecore Item into Dynamics CRM Custom Entity

You missed 2 pipeline steps. Create Entity Queue - before add an entity to a queue you need to create queue. Submit Remaining Entities From Queue - checks if there are some entities in the queue ...
Vlad Shpak's user avatar
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2 votes

Cannot establish connection to Dynamics 365

I didn't use DEF 5.0.0 but on previous versions I used: <add name="dynamicsCRM" connectionString="Url=https://sitecoretest9.crm4.dynamics.com; User id=[my email]; Password=[my ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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2 votes

Resolve contact model by personal details

Maybe it is not the most elegant solution, but you can try. First of all you need to create a new pipeline step template which is inherited from Resolve Contact by Identifier from xConnect Pipeline ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
2 votes

Batch Pipeline to sync contact

I see a few wrong thing in your implementation. Resolve Dynamics Contact By Identifier pipeline step: Identifier Value Accessor - This value accessor shoud be set for xConnect Contact, e.g.: Data ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
2 votes

Rule based sync in Dynamics CRM Connector

Wrote a custom rule referring to default null mapping rule, and applied on specific value mapping. This solved my objective
samridhi sachdeva's user avatar
2 votes

'Sitecore.DataExchange.Tools.DynamicsConnect.Models.DynamicsConnectCollectionModel, 1.0' does not have a remote version

This issue is solved after the below steps: Go to this location /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/Connect for Dynamics Tenant Branch/Endpoints/Providers/xConnect/xConnect Client Endpoint Go to the ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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1 vote

Dynamic CRM Connector not showing all Marketing List

It can be a bit tricky to help with these issues without being familiar with the individual set up (more screenshots / URLs are always appreciated). The following additional information would help: ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
1 vote

D365 Connector Connection Issues - Connection Strings & Log Location

As @kamil mentioned, there was a notable Microsoft deprecation that recently came into full effect. The TLDR; is: WS-Trust authentication type that is used by custom clients to connect to Dataverse ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot establish connection to Dynamics 365

As discussed on slack; the connectionstring URL has to contain crm4.dynamics.com, instead of crm.dynamics.com
Maarten's user avatar
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1 vote

Sync Sitecore contacs to CRM - Data Exchange 0 elements were iterated

Rebuild the Databases and Indexes, this will fix the issue. It worked for me.
samridhi sachdeva's user avatar
1 vote

Dynamic CRM contacts are appearing in Xdb.Collection sql table but not appearing in experience profile

Yes this is a normal behavior. Your contacts are anonymous (without interactions) and anonymous contact are not indexed OOTB. To change the contact to be indexed you need to change in 2 places in ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore.Xdb.Common.Web error in Sitecore Dynamic CRM Connector

Sitecore.Xdb.Common.Web.IHttpClientHandlerModifier doesn`t exist in Sitecore 9.0.2 (only in Sitecore 9.1). As I know Microsoft Dynamics 2.1.0 requires Sitecore 9.1 version. You can check sitecore ...
x3mxray's user avatar
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1 vote

Reset Existing xDB Contacts Pipeline Dynamics Plugin not resetting values on xdb

The pipeline is trying to set the marketing list property to null. By default, a null value will not overwrite an existing value. To change this: Open the Content Editor Select your tenant Navigate ...
Adam Conn's user avatar
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