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How to get selected dropTree FIeld value from Sitecore using GraphQL

To get info about Targetitem from the droptree field, use this GraphQL query: query ContentCardQuery($datasource: String!) { datasource: item(path: $datasource, language: "en") id ...
Parth's user avatar
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How to get selected dropTree FIeld value from Sitecore using GraphQL

To retrieve details of the selected item in the dropTree, adjust your query to match the structure of the HistoryDetailsItems template. If you need specific field values from this template, modify ...
Praveen Sharma's user avatar
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Get item under settings

Here’s an example query to get the root item of a site and navigate to the Settings item: { item(path: "/sitecore/content/your-site") { name id children(where: {name: "...
NIKITA VASHISHT's user avatar
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How to get selected dropTree FIeld value from Sitecore using GraphQL

You can use the below query to get the droptree field values query Droptree($datasource: String!) { datasource: item(path: $datasource, language: "en") id name ...
Manoj's user avatar
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Sitecore GraphQL OR condition

It seems you're trying to construct a GraphQL query to filter and sort Sitecore items based on their template types, using a logical "or" condition for templates. Also, you want to ...
Sanden's user avatar
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Fetch grapghQl response in next js

You are trying to use component-level data fetching in your Next JS app. You can go through these steps to get the data for a component. Write your query like this. export const GQL = ` query { ...
Sumit Bhatia's user avatar
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Fetch grapghQl response in next js

you have added endCursor, hasNext in your query. so, If you want to get all the data based on these two variables and in small chunks. You can try this. I already tried for my footer component, there ...
Krushna's user avatar
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Fetch grapghQl response in next js

You can use GraphQLRequestClient to make a request to GraphQL from Next.js application. As a first step, you will need to create GraphQLRequestClient as below. import { GraphQLRequestClient } from '@...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Fetch grapghQl response in next js

In your Next.js project, you can use graphql-request to execute the GraphQL query. Here’s an example of how to fetch data from the GraphQL endpoint and display it in a Next.js page. Create a new file ...
Praveen Sharma's user avatar
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In the above query, you're using an outdated method to search for path items, which might not work correctly. Instead of that You can use latest search query to get total count of the Sitecore content ...
Ravi Vadher's user avatar

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