New answers tagged powershell-extensions
Find all the items and fields that have dropdown value not in selection list
This script will help you find items in Sitecore where dropdown values might be incorrectly carried over from the old site.
# Define parameters for the old and new sites
$oldSiteRoot = "/sitecore/...
PowerShell script to delete the orphaned (Child) components inside a deleted parent component
Cleaning up orphaned renderings in Sitecore, especially when content editors remove parent components without also removing child renderings, can be a challenging task. This is particularly true when ...
Import-Item now working on other directory files
It looking like you're trying to import and deserialize items from files using the Import-Item cmdlet in PowerShell. However, Import-Item isn’t a standard PowerShell cmdlet, so it might be part of a ...
how to update some field value in sitecore using powershell?
To update the value of the "Campus" field in Sitecore, you need to modify the script to set the updated campus value back into the item and save the changes. Here's how you can modify your ...
how to update some field value in sitecore using powershell?
Have you tried:
$item.'Campus' = $campus
How to Retrieve Template IDs from a Folder Containing Image or File Field Types
Below modified script works for me.
$templateFolderPath = "/sitecore/templates/testfoldername"
$templateIds = @()
$templateFolderItem = Get-Item -Path $templateFolderPath
if ($...
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