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23 votes

URL Redirects, When to use Sitecore vs. when to use IIS UrlRewrite Rules

Using IIS URL Rewrite (or firewall/load balancer/CDN) is appropriate for all domain-name and protocol changes (i.e. everything to the left of "/"). This covers #1, #2, and #3 from your list. I'd ...
Ed Schwehm's user avatar
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9 votes

URL Redirects, When to use Sitecore vs. when to use IIS UrlRewrite Rules

If it was my decision I would insist that everything that is configured once and you don't plan to change it (like 1, 2 and 3 from your list) always should be set before they even hit Sitecore. IIS ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.1k
8 votes

Creating seo friendly URLs

The simplest way would be to separate the navigation from the content structure. So create your navigation to work from a Datasource root item that defines how your nav is built. Each item can then ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I manage Media library file extensions for SEO purposes?

Loooong time ago I wrote a blog post describing how to handle this issue. It was for Sitecore 6.5 but I guess it should work on any other version as well. Sitecore serves media items even with ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.1k
6 votes

Robots.txt file for multi site sitecore implementation

Sitecore SXA has a good implementation of this. They register it as a HttpRequestBegin pipeline handler. Very simplified version of how it works (as I understand it) Check the request url ends with /...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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5 votes

Redirecting to Lowercase URL and removing trailing slashes for SEO

Have you checked the configuration in LinkManager? <linkManager defaultProvider="sitecore"> <providers> <clear /> <add name="sitecore" type="Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider,...
Sumit Upadhyay's user avatar
5 votes

How do I manage Media library file extensions for SEO purposes?

I'm not sure exactly what your asking for here but if you want to show the 'real' file extension for PDFs, Docs, Images etc then I'd suggest enabling Media.RequestExtension like so: <setting name="...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
4 votes

URL Redirects, When to use Sitecore vs. when to use IIS UrlRewrite Rules

As developers, we sometimes too focused on our application and forget about other cool tools we have around us. In your question you are referring to two options - IIS and Sitecore, but there is at ...
Dmitry Harnitski's user avatar
4 votes

What is the best way to generate a self-referencing canonical tag?

You're taking the correct approach by using LinkManager to generate the URL for the canonical tag. LinkManager should always generate the canonical everywhere a content item is referenced. It's ...
sitecorerick's user avatar
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4 votes

How to implement Nofollow/Noindex in Sitecore SXA?

One way you could do it: create a base template with the checkbox(es) you want add this base template to all project templates needed create a (custom) rendering that has the meta tag as output based ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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3 votes

Robots.txt file for multi site sitecore implementation

While it is possible to implement a solution with physical files, this approach has some disadvantages: To apply a change you have to physically change a file on the server. If you have scaled setup ...
Vitalii Tylyk's user avatar
3 votes

Incorrect Canonical URL in Sitecore SXA Multisite - Domain Name gets appended twice

I have seen this happening when you have multiple site definitions. If you have multiple site definition items under Site Grouping, then I would suggest to keep only required one and mark rest others ...
Vikrant Punwatkar's user avatar
3 votes

How to return 403 status code instead of 302 when access it denied?

Sitecore does not set error status codes properly. The code handling no access redirect is done on the method RedirectOnNoAccess of the processor Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ExecuteRequest, ...
josedbaez's user avatar
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3 votes

One H1 tag on a landing page built by loosely coupled renderings

The solution I am currently considering is to have a h1-text on the landing page Sitecore item itself. When the components are rendered the Hero controller will take this h1-text, wrap the Hero image ...
jonasag's user avatar
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2 votes

Meta-data tagging using the taxonomy

Does the Sitecore CMS allow for meta-data tagging using the taxonomy? Yes it does. And pretty much any other taxonomy I can think of. Sitecore allows you to organise and structure ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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2 votes

Sitecore API to get Browser, Device and OS details

Sitecore will capture information about the request in the analytics, but if you are just sending the data to the 3rd party analytics API you can probably just use the Request.Browser object that is ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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2 votes

One H1 tag on a landing page built by loosely coupled renderings

This is an alternative to the approach you already posted. Keep the approach to the markup that you planned on using with the <h1> wrapped around an <img> with its alt attribute set based ...
Ben Golden's user avatar
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2 votes

Sitecore keywords in the metadata

This is going to be a horrible linky answer (Sorry moderators its too much code to put in an answer). But Sitecore's habitat example site that does this for assets. In the foundation.assets project, ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
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2 votes

How to exclude a specific page item from search engine crawlers?

Additional, If you only want to prevent Google web crawlers from indexing a page, then you need to add below tag on your page, in the same way as Vipin define in his answer - <meta name="...
Mahendra Shekhawat's user avatar
2 votes

How to exclude a specific page item from search engine crawlers?

You can manually create robots.txt file and list pages that you want to exclude for search clawlers: User-agent: * Disallow: /page1 Disallow: /page2 ...etc You can use official Sitecore SXA module ...
x3mxray's user avatar
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2 votes

How to exclude a specific page item from search engine crawlers?

You can add a field in your Sitecore item template such as add a checkbox field for "Do not Allow Search Engine to Index Page", based on this field value you can render a meta tag in your HTML page ...
Vipin Banka's user avatar
2 votes

SEO friendly Search Result implementation

I've implemented a SEO friendly version of a SXA listing page using the search components. What I actually did was creating a custom component that uses the scope defined in SXA to do the search, as ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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2 votes

Robots.txt file for multi site sitecore implementation

The below steps you can use for both Robots and Sitemap. If you want to implement only for Robots then you can skip the Sitemap template field and conditions in class. Create a new Template with two ...
Himmat Singh Dulawat's user avatar
2 votes

when adding @context": "" in Js files context error is thrown

@ is a reserved character in Razor views (.cshtml) files. It means that the following text should be interpreted as code. Just escape @ character like that: { "@@context": "http://www....
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.1k
2 votes

How to set CMS field value for Robots.txt

Default SXA process for robots.txt is: <getRobotsContent> <processor type="Sitecore.XA.Feature.SiteMetadata.Pipelines.GetRobotsContent.GetContentFromSettings, Sitecore.XA.Feature....
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.1k
2 votes

SEO plugin for Sitecore

I recommend using the Siteimprove and the Sitecore connector. Siteimprove is a brilliant tool for doing SEO and performance audits.
John King's user avatar
2 votes

Dynamic item tree url is very lengthy. SEO rank is degrading

You can create alias in Sitecore either at the same time while you are creating articles in Sitecore or manually create alias after all articles are created. Programmatically create alias If you want ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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2 votes

Incorrect Canonical URL in Sitecore SXA Multisite - Domain Name gets appended twice

PS: I'd like to share some relevant information related to site resolving in sxa as an answer. The site resolution sequence in SXA is important. Many SXA components use SiteInfoResolver to determine ...
Ravindra Mishra's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to make a Overlay / Modal link open via data attribute for SEO improvement that also works in the RTE?

One solution would be to create a custom renderField pipeline processor like this: public void Process(RenderFieldArgs args) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args"); if (...
Cristi Vulturar's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore Item-level language fallback impact on SEO

I'm not a SEO specialist but I was always told that this indeed might be seen as duplicate content. What I do when using ItemLanguageFallback: Create a canonical url that points towards the original ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
  • 20.2k

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