I am sure there is a problem on your aggregation service.
As a quick solution howHow about this quick solution:
- Go to your CM website folder
- Rename your App_Config folder to something like: App_ConfigBAK
- Copy the 'App_Config' folder from a CLEAN Sitecore to your website folder
- See if it works
If it does work then you are able to compare your app_config files with the clean ones using a tool like WinMerge.
Please let us know.
A few points to consider:
Data is stored on your xdb.
There is a default session timeout of 20 mins then the aggregation service will get the data from xdb and insert it into your reporting db on SQL server
Set this session timeout to 1 minute
(web.config file line: < SessionState mode="InProc" timeout="1" ... )
Your Analytics needs to be working in order to have data on your SQL server
Make sure you abandon your session properly by closing the browser
AllTo force your session timeout create a file called kill.aspx and put this file on your website root.
File code:
<%@ Page language="c#" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div>Session Abandoned</div>
<% Session.Abandon(); %>
Force the bestsession.abandon by accessing www.yourwebsite.com/kill.aspx