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Hugo Santos
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So it looks like that even if the results are pretty close, using the method Item.GetChildren() recursively can be a little bit faster thenthan the Item.Axes.GetDescendants().

So it looks like that even if the results are pretty close, using the method Item.GetChildren() recursively can be a little bit faster then the Item.Axes.GetDescendants().

So it looks like that even if the results are pretty close, using the method Item.GetChildren() recursively can be a little bit faster than the Item.Axes.GetDescendants().

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Hugo Santos
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IEnumerable<Item> kids = FetchAllChildrenItems(Database.GetItem(rootItemId)).ToList();

private IEnumerable<Item> FetchAllChildrenItems(Item p_Item, bool p_ReturnRootItem = false)
    if (p_ReturnRootItem) {
        yield return p_Item;

    foreach (IItemItem child in p_Item.GetChildren(ChildListOptions.SkipSorting))
        foreach (IItemItem subChild in FetchAllChildrenItems(child, true)) {
            yield return subChild;
IEnumerable<Item> kids = FetchAllChildrenItems(Database.GetItem(rootItemId)).ToList();

private IEnumerable<Item> FetchAllChildrenItems(Item p_Item, bool p_ReturnRootItem = false)
    if (p_ReturnRootItem) {
        yield return p_Item;

    foreach (IItem child in p_Item.GetChildren(ChildListOptions.SkipSorting))
        foreach (IItem subChild in FetchAllChildrenItems(child, true)) {
            yield return subChild;
IEnumerable<Item> kids = FetchAllChildrenItems(Database.GetItem(rootItemId)).ToList();

private IEnumerable<Item> FetchAllChildrenItems(Item p_Item, bool p_ReturnRootItem = false)
    if (p_ReturnRootItem) {
        yield return p_Item;

    foreach (Item child in p_Item.GetChildren(ChildListOptions.SkipSorting))
        foreach (Item subChild in FetchAllChildrenItems(child, true)) {
            yield return subChild;
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Hugo Santos
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So it looks like that even if the results are pretty close, using the method Item.GetChildren() recursively can be a little bit faster then the Item.Axes.GetDescendants().

So it looks like that even if the results are pretty close, using the method Item.GetChildren() recursively can be a little bit faster then the Item.GetDescendants().

So it looks like that even if the results are pretty close, using the method Item.GetChildren() recursively can be a little bit faster then the Item.Axes.GetDescendants().

added 638 characters in body
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Hugo Santos
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Source Link
Hugo Santos
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