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I am working on Sitecore 9 update 2.

I have two renderings, Rendering-A, and Rendering-B in Component-A and Component-B. In Component-A, I am displaying the most popular Articles using Rendering-A and in Component-B, I am displaying Music category Articles using Rendering-B.

In the first Component-A(Rederning-A), three articles are displayed let Article-A, Article-B, Article-C, and each article has a like button with the count.

In the second Component-B(Rederning-B) again I have three articles based on the category let Article-A, Article-D, Article-E, and each has a like button with the count.

There can be a chance the same article will comescome in both components. Article-A occurs in both the component in mine case.


Suppose In case I select the like button of the Article-A in the first Component-A then the article like-like count will update on UI and DB as well and it should be reflected in the Component-B of an Article-A as well.

I want to render the Component-B again instead of reloading the whole page to see the updated count of likes. So wherever Article-A is coming in page in any Component it should be updated like count.

Is it possible to reload a particular Rendering/Component on the page? If yes, then How, please suggest.

PS: As of now I have done this job using jQuery, but want to go with Component reloading. enter image description here

I am working on Sitecore 9 update 2.

I have two renderings, Rendering-A, and Rendering-B in Component-A and Component-B. In Component-A, I am displaying the most popular Articles using Rendering-A and in Component-B, I am displaying Music category Articles using Rendering-B.

In the first Component-A(Rederning-A), three articles are displayed let Article-A, Article-B, Article-C, and each article has like button with the count.

In the second Component-B(Rederning-B) again I have three articles based on the category let Article-A, Article-D, Article-E, and each has like button with the count.

There can be chance same article will comes in both components. Article-A occurs in both the component in mine case.


Suppose In case I select like button of the Article-A in the first Component-A then article like count will update on UI and DB as well and it should be reflected in the Component-B of an Article-A as well.

I want to render the Component-B again instead of reloading the whole page to see the updated count of likes. So wherever Article-A is coming in page in any Component it should be updated like count.

Is it possible to reload particular Rendering/Component on the page? If yes, then How, please suggest.

PS: As of now I have done this job using jQuery, but want to go with Component reloading. enter image description here

I am working on Sitecore 9 update 2.

I have two renderings, Rendering-A, and Rendering-B in Component-A and Component-B. In Component-A, I am displaying the most popular Articles using Rendering-A and in Component-B, I am displaying Music category Articles using Rendering-B.

In the first Component-A(Rederning-A), three articles are displayed let Article-A, Article-B, Article-C, and each article has a like button with the count.

In the second Component-B(Rederning-B) again I have three articles based on the category let Article-A, Article-D, Article-E, and each has a like button with the count.

There can be a chance the same article will come in both components. Article-A occurs in both the component in mine case.


Suppose In case I select the like button of Article-A in the first Component-A then the article-like count will update on UI and DB as well and it should be reflected in the Component-B of Article-A as well.

I want to render the Component-B again instead of reloading the whole page to see the updated count of likes. So wherever Article-A is coming in page in any Component it should be updated like count.

Is it possible to reload a particular Rendering/Component on the page? If yes, then How, please suggest.

PS: As of now I have done this job using jQuery, but want to go with Component reloading. enter image description here

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Tamás Tárnok
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Reload particular Rendering or Component/Component on button click

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