I am using the displaynamedisplay name for my files to localize the filename, I've written a pipeline that it shows the displaynamedisplay name in the htmlHTML (that works), but when I try to download the files like pdf's then, the name of the downloaded file is still the item name and not the displaynamedisplay name.
So I think I need to overwrite some pipelinepipelines like "media:request" (expample) but this pipeline seems not to work, because itsit's not triggering when I try to download pdf files only on images.
Someone knows what I need to patch or overwrite to set the right
Header or something else that allowesallows me to use the displaynamedisplay name as downloadfilenamedownload filename.
Here you can see the Link which is created
Here you can see the donwloadnamedownload name
Here you can see the Item name "broschueren123" and the displaynamedisplay name "MyBroschueresDisplayName"
I've also asked the Support and they told me: "File DownloadnameDownload name is allwaysalways Item name, not the Displayname" - so I need somsome custom implementation.